Saturday, December 1, 2012

One month to go!

by Jimmy

With exactly one month to go before "THE RUN", I figure I better update better. I ran today for the first time in a week and a half. I contracted some strange skin infection in my left leg, and could barely walk, much less run the past week. Thankfully, we have connections for antibiotics. I only ran half the 10 miles I was scheduled to run, and my legs are complaining, and I am not sure I got anything else accomplished today, BUT I am back running. I cannot say I am excited.

The running had been getting better, and I honestly feel better, and stronger, but I still really dislike running. Especially once it goes into that second hour. I don't even know how it feels going into that third hour. I thought I might be a decently fast runner, but No, I am not.

On the farming front, we had triplets again! Two weeks ago. However, one of the umbilical cords became infected, and between accidentally eating the medicine and the maggots, one died last night. Sad times. I know the Heartline students will be sad to hear it. So we are down to 10 goats.
We have reached full production on the eggs though! I averaged over 14 eggs per day out of 15 chickens last week. Pretty crazy. I will take it though.

Teaching is going very well. So glad our students are learning so much, and still enjoying it. I have a couple ideas running around my head for next semester. Hopefully they will work out in reality as they do in my head.

...And as a dad, awesome! Abbi is incredible. Growing so fast and so smart. She knows how to wave, sign for "more," crawl forwards, say "momma" and "dada", pull herself up, and communicate to a degree. Love, love, love being a dad. That big 'ole smile when I walk in the door sure helps.

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